Social proof and candid feedback.

We could tell you why you would benefit from working with Ready Resilience, however you would probably prefer to hear what our clients have to say.


“What an inspirational woman! What an inspirational story! If you want to build a resilient team - look no further! Wendy presents her 'neurohacks' with passion, clarity and an element of pragmatism that is refreshing.”

Chief Executive Officer
The Employee Mobility Institute

"I absolutely loved the sessions with Wendy and the group and looked forward to them every week. Even though each member of the group had very different roles and backgrounds, almost all of us shared the same challenges. The group was a space to discuss ideas – while feeling comfortable you were in a safe and trusted environment.

Many of the discussion points might be things you think you know – but layered with Wendy’s scientific reasoning, and actual practical ways you can put the ideas to use made it something I really valued and after every session went away and practiced a new technique.

When talking through a challenge with Wendy, it felt like she understood what you were going through. Wendy doesn’t suggest small fixes, but looks at the challenge holistically – and using proven techniques helps you navigate the whole challenge, and put in a plan both short and long term. Wendy is practical, calm and thorough in the work she does – and is genuinely there to help you work through the specific challenges you have.

I would strongly recommend the course to new leaders and those who have been leading a team forever – you’re guaranteed to get something out of it!”

Director | People Advisory Services
Global Professional Advisory (Big Four) Firm

“Wendy has a unique and wonderful way of coaching that is truly authentic and genuine. In the world where we are overloaded with influencers, constant change and overwhelming pressures, it was reassuring to learn there are tools available that would suit all types of leaderships. I thoroughly enjoyed the community offered by the course and knowing others, in all industries, were also experiencing the same challengers as myself.

Knowing how our minds work and understanding both what triggers thoughts and emotions and how to manage them into productive and positives experiences was a great takeaway for me as a people leader.”

Executive Advice Manager
National Healthcare and Financial Services Organisation

"We recently completed a series of resilience masterclasses for leaders and the wider team run by Wendy which were fantastic! The science-based principles really helped us understand the ‘why’ behind our reactions to stress and difficult situations and what can be put in place to overcome these. Wendy’s calm approach put the team at ease, and allowed them to share their own personal stories which fostered a great connection with the team. There were many practical tips and resources shared by Wendy which have helped the team in work and everyday life! Thanks Wendy for the great sessions and look forward to more like these down the track!"

Financial Administration Outsourcing Organisation

“The Ready Resilience program has been a breath of fresh air. It has come at an opportune time where customer service and the customer journey are key points on improving our service offering. Before being able to provide world class service, it is crucial we know ourselves and our trigger points, as well as have the necessary tools to manage our stress and other work or personal matters.”

Manager Administration Services
Ready Resilience program participant

“Our team in Australia benefited hugely from the time with Wendy. She has a calming, engaging way of delivering ideas, insights and neurohacks that we all hope to employ as we head into our busy season. The time flew as we developed skills for life as well as work and I can't recommend Wendy more highly. Thanks Wendy."

Head of Corporate Business Australia
Global Logistics Company

"Wendy is the epitome of resilience and a remarkable speaker. Having her present at the beginning of the conference was the perfect way to inspire the audience and set the tone of the day. I couldn't think of a more appropriate person to speak about resilience."

Australian Transplant Nurses Association Vic/Tas

"Wendy’s event for the FEW community was incredibly powerful. Not only does Wendy deeply connect with the audience through sharing her own personal resilience, she couples that lived experience with her deep knowledge of the subject, drawing on neuroscience and neurohacks to create a practical, powerful and compelling event.”

Chief Executive Officer
Financial Executive Women

“The presentation was fantastic! Really appreciated the time spent preparing the information and sharing such timely advice and tips!”

Lawyer and Member
Women in Insolvency and Restructuring, Victoria

“The webinar Wendy provided to our advisers was tremendous. Resilience is a huge issue for all of us now with the world we must endure and the issues we must deal with for ourselves and our clients (as well as family, friends plus staff). Providing a framework of practical considerations and real life case studies but backed by theory or science and the amazing experience Wendy brings into this presentation makes an impact.

Thank you so much Wendy. What you did for us made a difference now and into the future.”

National Practice Manager
Australia-wide Financial Planning Network

“Going into the program, I wasn’t aware there was a problem. One of the biggest takeaways for me was becoming self aware and realising I wasn’t as resilient as I thought, and that there were areas of my life that needed attention. I didn’t understand how complex resilience is and the impact it can have on your life - both personally, and at work.

The app has a huge amount of knowledge presented in an easily digestible format and for me the group sessions were most valuable. I felt burnt out before the program and had no idea where to start to rectify the situation. Now, I understand that there are steps I need to take to ensure I get 100% out of my life.”

Senior Accountant
Ready Resilience program participant

“We had fabulous engagement from our attendees and sharing of personal and business experiences. It was a highly relevant topic, in our current Victorian circumstances, however also overall for businesses to be aware of their team member’s wellbeing, individual personalities, pressures and mental state.”

CPA and Advisor
Advisory Services Firm

“The Resilient Inspired Leader Program is a must-do for anyone in a leadership position. It provided some great tools to help work through difficult situations which I applied personally and with my staff, and the group sessions with other leaders was a good way of connecting and talking through these issues. It made me realise that most leaders are faced with similar circumstances and that we aren’t alone in needing ways to support ourselves and our staff.

Wendy’s coaching style brought a sense of calm to the group as she seamlessly integrated the neuroscience research into the sessions which really helped put things in perspective and understand emotions and reactions. I highly recommend!”

Chief Executive Officer
Financial Services Firm

“Thank you again for running the session on Friday. The feedback was great and it made us all think a lot about those little things in your control during the day."

Mobility Manager, Performance & Reward | People Team
Australian / NZ Supermarket Retailer

“Wendy did a brilliant job facilitating our team offsite! It was clear that she had really taken the time to understand our goals for the day and target the content accordingly. She had prepared a lot to ensure the day flowed, while keeping people engaged through fun activities. Having insight into our industry was particularly beneficial for the team. Wendy is open, inclusive and extremely knowledgeable. She also recognises that the day is not about 'her', but about the team which is a great asset. Thank you so much!"

Managing Director
Global Relocation Company

“Our Remuneration & Recruitment team had the pleasure to participate in the Online Ready Resilience "Neurohack your Workday" Masterclass. Wendy and her class are inspiring and she is brilliant keeping the team engaged while teaching us some practical tools which are helpful for our day to day work life. We all left the class with new insights on how to be more resilient as well as enjoyed the class itself.”

Manager, Remuneration and Global Mobility
Swinburne University of Technology

“Loved it the session today Wendy. Thank you! You helped explain behaviours I’m witnessing in myself, my family, staff and friends. Understanding the “why” behind these stress responses is both helpful and reassuring. Learning about ways to better manage them is even better. Thanks for sharing your story and your learnings with us."

Financial Advisor and Owner
Financial Advisory Firm

“Taking part in the Ready Resilience program during COVID-19 was very fitting. The sessions with Wendy were the highlight for our team. It’s one thing to do the exercises on the app, but another to have someone explain and facilitate discussions with us to get us thinking.

Not only is Wendy’s story of resilience inspiring, she relates the concepts of resilience in real life examples and educated us on the neuroscience behind these. Our own thoughts and feelings are not always the easiest thing to discuss in a group setting, but the way that Wendy ran the sessions allowed us to have some very meaningful conversations. One of the biggest takeaways for the team was gaining a better understanding of what resilience is. It’s hard to improve on something if you don’t truly understand it, so breaking down the aspects of resilience was very insightful.

Overall the program was beneficial for the team and I have received lots of positive feedback on the learnings that have come out of it.”

Financial Advisory Firm Operations Manager
Ready Resilience program participant

“Given we are in our tenth week of lockdown, the resilience training is being used by staff for both work and home related matters they are facing. The team really enjoyed the breathing exercises and didn’t realise how much breathing can affect your mood and attitude, and how quickly it allows you to rebalance and recoup. It’s not a stock standard one-size-fits-all training material, which the team really like.”

Service Manager
Ready Resilience program participant

Feedback from the Resilience First Aid Certification Program

"Fantastic interactive session that challenges the mind. 
This is a magnificent course that will be extremely beneficial for all leaders and managers in a business. 
Really enjoy the dynamic nature of the app and program. 
Wendy was very engaging and got the message across! 
Awesome experience. 
Very engaging. Well presented. 
Wendy was fab. Informative, clear and shared inspiring personal stories. 
Engaging course that is a must for all. 
Highly professional and enlightening. 
Well delivered… memorable personal experience that drives Wendy. 
A worthwhile exercise which provides an understanding and explanation of the application of resilience within the workplace and social community. 
I most liked the neuroscience component. 
I liked the team engagement and opportunity to see everyone's view. 
I most liked the multiple ways of learning the content (group activities, pair activities, videos, and slides).
I would like it to come again to our site and all managers complete it.
Empowering and enabling staff to thrive. 
Wendy’s subject knowledge was very good. 
Looking at practical tools in a proactive way. 
Most liked listening to ideas of others, because one question can be asked in 50 different ways. So brainstorming and sharing ideas was really nice. 
I most liked the interactiveness of the session not just reading a book or watching videos. 
The questions were answered thoroughly, Wendy also allowed us to take time in pairs/ groups working through exercises. 
RFA was a great course and was facilitated by a true professional.
I enjoyed the course and highly recommend. 
Great sessions, will highly recommend to others. 
Very well presented and easy to follow. 
Wendy was great. Thank you for a great class, I learned a lot. 
Wonderful training that I can take back to my professional and personal life. 
Really good. Breath of fresh air as courses go.
Fantastic for leaders to do to gain extra skills.
Wendy was absolutely excellent, she in herself demonstrates what it means to be resilient.
Great course really enjoyed these two days thank you.
Great job was not what I expected but better than what I expected.
Thanks Wendy for teaching us about resilience first aid. You did a fantastic job.
A well run course.
RFA gives everyday people a chance to upskill to become great leaders.
Enjoyed doing it as a group and learning more tools that I can use in my personal and professional lives.
The interactive stuff was great.
Realistic and applicable.
This course was super informative and interactive! Definitely worth the time to learn new skills.
I enjoyed it. I came into the course not knowing what to expect. I was pleasantly surprised and gained a lot of useful information. I definitely recommend this course to anyone.
I was surprised by how much this training can be utilised in the workplace and in the home.
Wendy was really lovely and conducted the course very professionally. Would recommend.
Thanks Wendy very engaging and also really appreciated your open and honest insight into your life.
Excellent instructor. Highly enjoyable and educational.
I have enjoyed all days of learning. I’m very appreciative of the course.
Thank you Wendy , your presentation and honesty was straight from the heart.
Really enjoyed the course gave me additional tools to use in my role and personal life. Absolutely worth investing the time to attend this course."

Resilience First Aid Certification Program Participants

Five Day Feel Good Challenge 

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